Professional Reports writing using Microsoft Word

Today, Microsoft Word is used by many people to prepare letters, memos and documents. Many secretaries and people can do these very well. However, when they start writing a lengthy report or proposal, they will discover their skills are not sufficient to manage this kind of project and the concepts are also different between writing a short letter and a report. Also, they will face to the following problems :

  • don’t know the efficiency ways to control the format throughout the whole project, or
  • don’t know how to generate, update and format table of contents or
  • don’t know how to collaborate the work from the other team members
  • cannot perform the layout or format they want

This course is designed to address the above issues and will teach users concepts needed to write a professional look report from the planning stage to production stage.

What you’ll learn


  • After finishing the course, candidates should be able to
  • know the features which are well suit for a large scale document project
  • pickup the most efficiency ways to start the project
  • keep the document’s format consistent
  • format and design various layouts suitable for reports
  • manage and use templates to standardise their projects

Who should attend 

  • Secretaries, analysts or researchers want to write reports
  • Sales and marketing people preparing proposals, newsletters
  • HR department people want to write company procedures
  • People who want to improve and enhance their existing skills on using Word

Course outlines  

Outline Editor


  • Table
  • insert tables
  • editing inside a table
  • column and row insertion / deletion
  • changing columns and rows spacing
  • converting existing text into table
  • converting table back to text
  • Math Calculation
  • adding figures in columns or rows
  • inserting calculation result into your document


  • defining paragraph and character styles
  • editing styles
  • synchronising styles amongst documents

PRW5032 - 廣東話 06 Mar enrol
PRW5043 - 廣東話 25 Apr enrol
  Word I

Using list style

  • defining the numbering list style
  • combining paragraph style with list style

Header and Footer

  • odd header / footer
  • even header / footer
  • excluding the header / footer on the first page
  • Footnote
  • inserting a footnote
  • separator formatting

Border and shading

  • applying borders to page, paragraphs, tables or texts
  • shading page, paragraphs, tables and texts

Advanced Formatting

  • Space before / space after

Lines spacing

  • Widow and orphan control
  • keep lines together
  • keep with next


  • inserting section break
  • creating mulitple columns documents
  • mixing different number of columns in a page
  • multiple headers and footers

Managing text and graphics

Managing graphics

  • contrast, brightness adjustment
  • cropping and resizing graphics
  • wrapping text around graphic

Table of Contents (TOC) and index

  • generating, updating toc
  • formatting toc entries
  • creating and update index
  • Figures
  • inserting captions
  • generating table of figures
  • updating table of figures

Maintaining consistency

  • discussions on features which can help users keeping format consistent throughout the whole report
  • using organiser
  • creating and managing template files